This is the part where I tell you how bleak it is to be an email marketer. Crowded Inboxes. New ways to filter. Tougher deliverability standards. These are all reminders that anyone who’s sent a marketing email in the last decade doesn’t really need. We all know the story. Good email marketing is tough and […]
Digital Marketing
A Simple Formula for a Stellar LinkedIn Recommendation [Quick Tip]
“Lisa has recommended you!” Awww, she has?! When I get a LinkedIn recommendation from someone I respect and admire professionally, I feel both honored and encouraged to return the favor. But for some reason, I always get writer’s block.
Thom Yorke, BitTorrent, and Content Marketing’s Magic Moment
These days may go down as the best of times and worst of times for the corners of the internet that are usually too shadowy for the general public. BitTorrent, a peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol that’s been used to power hotbeds for pirated content like Pirate Bay, is relishing the present.
6 Ways to Pull Off Anonymous Personalization People Love
Marketers personalize emails to provide recipients more relevant content. Sales prepares demos specific to a prospect’s interests. So why on earth would you show the same exact website to every visitor?
The Psychology of Color: How It Affects the Way We Buy [Infographic]
Humans are visual creatures — so visual, in fact, that color plays a much bigger role in influencing what we purchase than we might think. There’s a reason companies test the colors of things like advertisements, banner ads, and call-to-action (CTA) buttons. When we did a