Customer relationship management (CRM) software has a whole lot of benefits for businesses. According to Baseline statistics, the average ROI from CRM use is $5 for every $1 invested. Use a complete and fully integrated CRM solution and you can start seeing the impact yourself. And the more you use your CRM’s features and data, the more insights […]
Product Crunch – AddThis Content Distribution Tools
Quick Way to Give your Content Legs Never spend time and effort (and money!) on anything unless you have an endgame and a follow through strategy to match that endgame. That goes doubly for the quality content you generate (and should be generating) for your business. Now more than ever search engines (particularly Google…SEE Hummingbird […]
Product Crunch – Google Analytics
Google Analytics: Tracking Success Okay, without a doubt, Google Analytics is the most ubiquitous analytics program (SaaS, server side, cloud based or other wise) on the market today. Why? Well it’s Google. And it’s Free (mostly…more on that). And it’s ROBUST (and its FREE!) Since I said that last part more than once, I guess […]