General Description of Service
As a member of the North Myrtle Beach Chamber, we are offering a 50% discount for our Business Video Marketing service. In general, this service includes the planning, scheduling, videography, and production of one video spot. This spot, depending on the tier can range from 60 seconds to 3 minutes. All clients will receive the finished video in multiple universal file formats sent electronically and burned on a CD or provided on a USB flash drive.
Southern Tide Media will also assist clients with including their finished video(s) on their website(s) and sharing on social media outlets. There are multiple venues from which the client can leverage their videos in their ongoing marketing efforts, such as branding, search engine optimization, content marketing, and social media marketing.
It’s important to remember, that this professionally completed video can and will travel well beyond the inside of the North Myrtle Beach Chamber Digital Lobby. That is just the beginning!
Our prices are competitively priced to benefit North Myrtle Beach Chamber members. To keep costs down and to maximize efficiency, after the sign up period for this service ends, Southern Tide Media and the North Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce will then schedule all video shoots over the course of just one or two days. The shooting schedule will be planned with all participating North Myrtle Beach Chamber members. After the final shoot, it generally takes 90 days to deliver the final product.
Sign up period for this discounted service ends November 30, 2013
The shooting schedule will take place sometime between the dates of TBD and TBD.
Estimated delivery time will by TBD.
The Production Process
- Correspond via email/phone: What is the focus? Will we focus on services rendered? Is this a product review or demonstration? What is the message of your spot?
- Copy will need to be prepared and finalized by the client.
- Will the client use/provide an on camera talent? Will the client want a voice over talent? Will the client like to serve as the voiceover talent?
- Testimonial(s) will need to be prepared, scheduled, and a location determined for filming. The testimonial will need to be rehearsed and ready for the production day.
- The client will provide all necessary logos, phone numbers, and address that will be included in the production.
- Schedule the date and arrival time for the production. The client will need to make sure that the production location is “clear” or ready for production on the day of shooting.
- We will arrive about 30 minutes before the scheduled production time for setup.
- Allow 1-2 hours for shooting.
- Correspond via email/phone
- 90 day turnaround.
- Video preview will be sent via email for final approval.
- Digital file delivered.
- Any changes to the copy during the “post-production” stage may require re-shooting or more voice over work and will be subject to additional charges.
Pricing Plan
Tier #1 $575.00
- Spot filmed in HD
- One day shoot
- Text Only
- Copyright free music
- Professional edit with your physical address, web address, and phone number displayed at the end of the 30 second spot.
Tier #2 $650.00
- Spot filmed in HD
- One day shoot
- Text and narration (client provides copy)
- Copyright free music
- Professional edit that includes
* Logo animation
* Your website/phone number will be displayed in the entire video
*Physical address along with the above shown at the end of the 30-60 second spot.
Tier #3 $800.00
- Spot filmed in HD
- One day shoot
- Camera Jib will be used to give the spot a more cinematic look.
- Text and Client can appear in the video (client provides copy)
- Copyright free music
- Professional edit that includes
* Logo animation
* Your website/phone number will be displayed in the entire video
*Physical address along with the above shown at the end of the 2-3 minute spot.