As a marketer, you know how powerful email can be to generating leads and nurturing prospects through your funnel.
But have you ever wondered if you’re really getting the most value out of the channel?
If you’re not optimizing your emails for your mobile audience, you’re missing out. Over 50% of emails are opened on a mobile device, making it crucial for marketers to master capturing the attention of their mobile readers.
If you’re looking to learn more about mobile email optimization best practices, tune into a live Google Hangout with email marketing experts from Litmus and HubSpot.
In this 45-minute discussion, Litmus’ Justine Jordan and Jason Rodriguez and HubSpot’s Nick Barrasso will share their advice for designing high-converting emails for your mobile audience.
Want to join us? Here are all the details:
- When: Tuesday 7/12 @ 2 p.m. ET // 11 a.m. PT
- Where: Live Google Hangout
- RSVP: Click Here
Want to learn more about mobile email optimization? Click here to save your seat for this live event.