Choosing the Path to Success… not a random option. As this week’s theme (Alice in Wonderland) suggests, your desired destination determines the road you take and path you travel to reach that destination. So determining your goals, your mission, your business’s purpose…all the way down to the brass tacks of what are your loss-leader […]
Product Crunch – Hootsuite Social Media Dashboard
Getting Social, Saving Time, Making Contact This won’t be the first or last time you hear this statement from this blog series. Always remember, technology is suppose to make your life easier. Think of the wheel, the ramp, and yes, Hootsuite. It’s a tool to make life easier because it takes less energy to get […]
Help Thy Client – How to resize an image using GIMP software
I can’t get my image to fit! What now? I bet you there isn’t one of you that hasn’t run into the need of resizing an image. Be it for your brochure or your personal photo album, the need for getting the size of an image just right comes up a lot. With GIMP, you […]
Product Crunch – GIMP photo manipulation software
GIMP 2.8 – The Free Way to Edit Photos Before you say that GIMP is the most unfortunately named photo editing software in the world, I should clarify its moniker. GIMP is an acronym that stands for GNU Image Manipulation Editor. And yes, GNU is another acronym…a recursive acronym in fact. I refuse to explain […]
Product Crunch – Google Analytics
Google Analytics: Tracking Success Okay, without a doubt, Google Analytics is the most ubiquitous analytics program (SaaS, server side, cloud based or other wise) on the market today. Why? Well it’s Google. And it’s Free (mostly…more on that). And it’s ROBUST (and its FREE!) Since I said that last part more than once, I guess […]